Deborah Law, Charles Koehler, and John Hilgeman reflect on the success of their radio program, Lambda Reports, over the past year. They talk about the growth and opportunities that doing the show together opened up for them. They discuss the evolution of the show's name and format and the significant guests they've had, including Alderman Steve Robertson (St. Louis Hate Crimes Bill), Sgt. Perry Watkins, Tom Wilson Weinberg, Art and Marian Wirth (P-FLAG), St. Louis Prosecuting Attorney George Peach, Joan Lipkin (playwrite), Steve Endean (campaign to write Congress) and the local display of the QUILT. They highlight the success of a local play, "Some of My Best Friends Are," the positive response to a billboard campaign, and how the St. Louis Pridefest is growing, despite some political losses nationally. They also ask for community feedback on what topics should be covered on Lambda Reports.