I'm Still Still Here 

What I've been doing while not blog journaling. 

First of all, I am my own point of view. No one else has my point of view—a point of view that was grown in my family, my culture, and my life experiences. I used to think that there was something special about me, never dreaming that it was just my point of view that I sensed. Of course, everyone is special in that sense.

I'm doing things that come from my point of view. It's heavy and it's light, too. Right now (just before I retire) I'm going to put in my 20 minutes a day meditating at my altar under the eaves of the third floor. I find that experience to be grounding in Being. At least some of the time during meditation I experience this "connecting with Being." That makes me as heavy as the Universe. Tomorrow morning, after I put on my PJ's but before I do anything else, I will put in my 20 minutes at stretching and limbering, a practice I learned at the Shealy Clinic in Springfield, MO over 20 years ago. They told us then that the only reason they did these exercises was that it made them feel good. And I, too, still feel good after I do them. They make me light—light as a balanced and lightly exercised body can feel. 

Posted: Sat - April 14, 2007 at 11:16 PM          
