Interesting: Fallwell hates Hillary 

After a long absence from the blogwaves, Jim comes back the wag. 

Well, I can't resist this question. Jerry Fallwell (fall [into the] well [for a thousand years], get it, yuk, yuk?) is quoted in today's news:
``I certainly hope that Hillary is the candidate,'' Falwell told a private prayer breakfast. ``Because nothing will energize my (constituency) like Hillary Clinton.'' 
``If Lucifer ran, he wouldn't,'' Falwell added, drawing a roomful of laughs and cheers. 
Could this mean that the views of Fallwell and his constituency are closer to the views of Lucifer than to the views of Hillary and her supporters? Heh, heh. Just a silly thought. 

Posted: Mon - September 25, 2006 at 02:22 PM          
