What are we fighting for? 

Perhaps the very act of aggression involved in the "protect the sanctity of marriage" movement is an aspect of the world's greatest problem. 

They're determined fighters, these gay marriage opponents. I don't know that they're ready to strap bombs on their stomachs, yet, but this fight that they are perpetrating definitely has all the marks of a "holy" crusade. What they don't apparently realize, is that they are fighting to keep the Reign of God from coming.

More than that, they are fighting evolution. And, of course, that's what almost every species of creature does, it tries to preserve its kind and its way of life. But that great, wide flowing river of evolution, it just keeps movin' along. Fact is, we are actually evolving to the Reign of God, and it is through evolution that the most sure path to the future lies.

We're not going to find this truth in some literal interpretation of anyone's holy scriptures. Democracy, or government of the people for the people, maximizing freedom while caring for everyone, is a form of government much more recent than the monarchy. That's why I didn't use the term "Kingdom of God." Let's take the 'dumb' out of 'kingdom,' and morph it into 'reign.'

Fact is, the reign of God that is evolving isn't FOR some and NOT FOR others. It's for everyone. This is why we need the freedom to marry for everyone. And of course, for some, the most precious freedom will be not to marry. Evolution is a tool of the Holy Spirit, but not the Christian Holy Spirit only. God is for everyone, for all of creation, even for the ones who haven't yet found God or see no need of God.

It isn't necessary to do battle to protect the God that I am talking about. No human battle could do justice to the power of evolution. It's already happening. Gay marriage has evolved in several countries. It will continue to evolve in other countries, and state by state in this country. You can't push the river, although you CAN swim against the current.

We will have full rights for gays and lesbians, including the right to marry or not to marry, as each individual sees fit. It can't be any other way. The Reign of God is just a matter of time for the One for whom time doesn't matter. 

Posted: Fri - October 27, 2006 at 11:43 AM          
