At Last: Someone I Know Has a Blog 

Jim will finally try to use trackback with someone he knows. 

Well, low and behold. Someone I know actually has a blog site. Nicki McClusky's Christmas letter announces Find Your Voice. This is pretty exciting. I should have know that this fellow Sagittarius would be into blogging. I haven't seen her for years, but we knew each other from the St. Louis theraputic community in the 1970s. Nicki and I have other shared interests besides technology and therapy. We also play the piano and sing.

I see that she has used TypePad for her blog, I use iBlog and .Mac for mine.

As I mentioned in a previous entry, I finally realized that blogging is more than just putting a journal online. People have to actually want to read your stuff too, no matter how wonderful you may think it is. Nevertheless, even with few readers, I found the experience of "writing for the possible online world" to be strangely enticing.

Nicki is not only a psychotherpist but a voice coach, and she is offering some good advice for people on the effective use of their voice in this blog. But you'll just have to go there yourself to read this advice.

Ah, refreshing focus in contrast to this year-long ramble in 13 categories that I have been calling a blog. 

Posted: Fri - December 15, 2006 at 10:10 PM          
