Moving an entertainment center from a stand to an alcove 

Continuing his imitation of Tim Allen, Jim worships at the shrine of Home Improvement by custom fitting an alcove in a wall to receive the components of a home entertainment center. 

Some of you may know by the endless bragging I have done on Facebook through mobile uploads that I have undertaken the complete renovation of a den-type room where Stephen and I spend a lot of time. We're doing the whole 9 yards, new carpet, drapes from Sunshine Drapery on the big picture window, color-coordinated wall painting, reframing the fireplace, in short, the works. Last week I completed a challenging side-trail on the bicycle of home improvement: I custom fitted an alcove to receive a HDTV and its supporting components, thus freeing up an entire corner of a room for other purposes. In the process, I learned a little bit about many things: how to use a table saw, how to build and paint a shelf with center support (including how to set and countersink a wood screw), how to dismantle and reassemble the video system that originally was put together by The Cable Guy—who unfortunately resembled more a terrorist than Jim Carrey. Apologies for that last crack, because the actual cable guy did a good job.

If you want to read more about this, I have published the details with pictures on my mac website: Moving the HDTV from the corner to the alcove. 

Posted: Wed - February 25, 2009 at 07:15 AM          
