Sri Yukteswar and Lahiri Mahasaya on Healing and Weight Control 

Paramahansa Yogananda recalls an incident with his guru. 

"One afternoon during my early months at the ashram, I found Sri Yukteswar's eyes fixed on me piercingly.
"You are too thin, Mukunda."
His remark struck a sensitive point; my sunken eyes and emaciated appearance were not to my liking. Chronic dyspepsia had afflicted me since childhood. Many bottles of tonics stood on a shelf in my room at home; none had helped me. Occasionally I would sadly ask myself if life were worthwhile with a body so unsound.
"Medicines have limitations, the divine creative life force has none. Believe that: you shall be well and strong."
Master's words instantly convinced me that I could successfully apply their truth in my own life. No other healer (and I had tried many) had been able to arouse in me such profound faith.
Day by day I waxed in health and strength. Through Sri Yukteswar's hidden blessing, in two weeks I gained the weight that I had vainly sought in the past. My stomach ailments vanished permanently.
On later occasions I was privileged to witness my guru's divine healings of persons suffering from diabetes, epilepsy, tuberculosis, or paralysis.
"Years ago, I, too, was anxious to put on weight," Master [Yukteswar] told me shortly after he had healed me. "During convalescence after a severe illness, I visited Lahiri Mahasaya in Banaras.
"'Sir'," I said, 'I have been very sick and have lost many pounds.'
"'I see, Yukteswar, you made yourself unwell, and now you think you are thin.'
"This reply was far from the one I had expected; my guru, however, added encouragingly:
"'Let me see; I am sure you ought to feel better tomorrow.'
"My receptive mind accepted his words as a hint that he was secretly healing me. the next morning I sought him out and exclaimed exultingly, 'Sir, I feel much better today.'
"'Indeed! Today you invigorate yourself.'
"'No, Master! 'I protested. 'It is you who have helped me; this is the first time in weeks that I have had any energy.'
"'O yes! Your malady has been quite serious. Your body is frail yet; who can say how it will be tomorrow?'
"The thought of a possible return of my weakness brought me a shudder of cold fear. the following morning I could hardly drag myself to Lahiri Mahasaya's home.
"'Sir, I am ailing again."
"My guru's glance was quizzical. 'So! Once more you indispose yourself.'
"My patience was exhausted, "Gurudeva,' I said, 'I realize now that day by day you have been ridiculing me. I don't understand why you disbelieve my truthful reports.'
"'Really, it has been your thoughts that have made you feel alternately weak and strong.' My guru looked at me affectionately. 'You have seen how your health has exactly followed your subconscious expectations. Thought is a force, even as electricity or gravitation. The human mind is a spark of the almighty consciousness of God. I could show you that whatever your powerful mind believes very intensely would instantly come to pass.'
"Knowing that Lahiri Mahasaya never spoke idly, I addressed him with great awe and gratitude: 'Master, if I think that I am well and that I have regained my former weight, shall those things come to pass?'
"It is so, even at this moment.' My guru spoke gravely, his gaze concentrated on my eyes.
"I instantly felt an increase not only of strength but of weight. Lahiri Mahasaya retreated into silence. After a few hours at his feet, I returned to my mother's house, where I stayed during my visits to Banaras.
"'My son! What is the matter? Are you swelling with dropsy?' Mother could hardly believe her eyes. My body was now as full and robust as it had been before my illness.
"I weighed myself and found that in one day I had gained fifty pounds; they have remained permanently. Friends and acquaintances who have seen my thin figure were overcome with amazement. A number of them changed their mode of life and became disciples of Lahiri Mahasaya as a result of this miracle."

Taken from Paramahansa Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi, pp. 111-113. 

Posted: Thu - January 8, 2009 at 07:12 AM          
