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    Manfred Harth (5th Harth cousin)
    Tim Moellendick (distant Noe cousin by marriage)
    Roberta Preston-Napier (2nd Sullivan cousin once removed)
    Bob Behnen (Genealogy researcher)
    Lila Hill (Fickeisen cousin by marriage)
    Raymond Fickeisen (3rd cousin once removed)
    Laura Bozzay (Andris researcher)
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Tim Moellendick (distant Noe cousin by marriage)

In March of 2003 I got the following email (in part):

Hi, I stumbled into your site the other day on the internet. I thought you might be interested in my site as it has many pictures from the Washington Bottom area. I am the grandson of Harry Moellendick who was Philip George Moellendick's younger brother. My site is part of MyFamily.com. . . . I hope you enjoy the site. My family tree is also on the site if you are interested. . . .
Best regards, Tim Moellendick

Tim turned out to be a distant cousin by marriage. In a phrase, my grandmother's sister, Ella Noe, married the brother, Bill Moellendick, of Tim's grandfather, Harry.

It turns out that Tim has about 15 pages of great photos on his website at www.myfamily.com. He also has much exact genealogical information on the Moellendick family on his website. I was able to improve my Moellendick pages by adding exact dates from his gedcom file. I did also use three of the photos on his website, two on this page and one on the Bill and Ella Moellendick page.

Below you will find two pictures. On the left are William Moellendick's grandparents, Philipp Jacob Möllendick, b. 1811, and Philippine Corell, b. 1811, both in Odenbach in the German Pfalz. On the right are the seven Moellendick brothers.