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The Marriage of Arthur Andrisse and Louise Lebrun

translated by Jim Andris from Registres de l'état civil, 1796-1900, Binche (Hainaut). Bureau de l'tat civil. Naissances 1871-1879. FHL INTL Film. #1461616.

No. 26 Eighteen Hundred Seventy, the 18th day of July at eleven o’clock in the morning there appeared before us, Gustave Handpen Bourgmistre, Officer of Marital Status of the Town of Binche, at the Community House, in public: Andrisse Arthur, born in Jumet the 18th of November, 1845, glassmaker and (? certified as satisfying the military service requirement, with additional current service ?), son of the marriage of Nicolas Andrisse, glassmaker, living in Jumet, present, and agreeing to the marriage, and likewise Hortense Dandoy, on the one hand

and Louise Lebrun, born in Binche the 11th of January, 1850, living without profession, daughter of Mr. Louis Lebrun, coal merchant, and Marie Thérèse Constantine Everbecq, ?cabaré , living in this town, present and agreeing to the marriage in addition.

Which required us to procede to the celebration of the marriage projected between them, and whose publications were made downtown here and in the community of Jumet on two Sundays the third and tenth of this month of July.

No opposition to that the marriage having been offered us, granting their requisition, after having given reading to the parts of the parts relating to their state and to the formalities of the marriage, such as also chapter VI of the title C Civil code, entitled: MARRIAGE, asked the future and future if they want to become husband and woman: each one of them having answered separately and in the affirmative, let us pronounce, in the name of the Law, that they are linked by Marriage.

The contractors claim to have arranged their matrimonial conventions on June 30th in front of Mr. Charles Lecocq, notary in Binche. Their natural child, Hortense Florence Ursmarine, born 19 Apr 1869 in Battignies, is recognized in this marriage of her parents.

In the presence of Florimont Lebrun, 24 years, Eugene Lebrun, 22 years, house painter, brother of the wife, Adolphe Everbecq, 30 years, cousin of the wife, all three living in Binche, and Emmanuel Maret, 23 years, glassmaker, living in Buvinnes.

[Something about read by Nicolas Andris.]

Signed by L. Lebrun, Artur Andris, Therese Everbecq, Florimont Lebrun, Eugene, Lebrun, Adolphe Everbecq