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    Arthur Andris & Louise Lebrun (1851-1914) (Gen 7)
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The Bourmorks, Maiscogs, and other Andrises

In checking the records at www.ellisislandrecords.org I discovered a number of other possible relatives, which I list here. There are at least two records that bear a direct relationship to our family:

Maria Bourmorck, 28, a married housekeeper, traveling August 30 and arriving Sept. 8, 1902, from Antwerp, with Emilie, 8, and Alfred, 6. CIT. DISCH. ON PIER, last residence, Arnold, Pa., final destination, Arnold, Pa., passage paid by self, didn't have ticket to final destination, 1889, 1902 trips to Arnold, Pa. Travelling on the Vaderland


Joseph and Maria Maiscog, both 36, U. S. Citizen, destination, Toledo, OH, notation "West. Dest. of Pa. June 13, 96" under "whether going to join a relative or friend" departing Antwerp, Sept. 26 and arriving Oct. 6, 1903, Travelling on the Finland.

This Alfred Bourmorck must surely be the husband of my father's half-sister Julia. Her daughter, Julia Staat, provided a birth date for Alfred of March 18, 1895 in Arnold, PA. Apparently this family had travelled back to Belgium at least two other times. Alfred died in Jacksonville, FL on Feb. 18, 1987.

Joseph Maiscog also must be an elderly man that my cousins, Marlene and Geraldine Andris, told stories of. I also recall that Joseph's wife was named "Jenny," so this may have been a previous spouse. One amusing tale I remember is that cousin, Geraldine, would never eat her eggs in the morning unless they were thoroughly cooked. She especially didn't like the thick white spot that sometimes appears prominently in the egg white. She called it "Jo-seph," with the accent on the second syllable, because it "shook" like old Joseph Maiscog did. Apparently he had some version of Parkenson's disease.

Other records that were found in the Ellis Island records are listed below:

Aug. 29, 1893, a family, Victor Andris, 36, glassmaker, Charlotte, 28, wife, 3 children, Victorine, 10, Armand, 7, and Maria, 11 mo, headed for Kensington. Traveling on the Waesland. There is another text record, not backed up by the provided manifest, that shows a Victor Andriss, age 35, traveling from Antwerp on the Waesland on Oct. 13, 1892. Very likely the husband going over the year before, then returning the next year with his family.

Octave Andris, 26, single, glacier, literate, American with Belgium written over it for nationality, residence in New Castle, PA.$40 with him, December 27, 1899. Travelling on the Kensington.

Jules, 41, and Emilie, 33, Andris, glassworker and none, U.S. Citizens, Sept. 23, 1907, steerage, The Vaderland