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Saint John's Evangelical Church and [German] Cemetery

Now located on Fourth Street in Lowell, Ohio.

The inscription on the plaque reads: "German Immigrants founded The German United Evangelical Church. In 1852 the Church Trustees purchased land from Perez Buell "for Grave Yard of the aforesaid Church". Known burials from 1852-1933. In 1929 the Cemetery was transferred to the Trustees of Adams Twp. The first Church (completion delayed by Civil War) was on Walnut St. and was destroyed by the 1913 Flood. The present Church on 4th St. had its name changed in 1959 to St. John's United Church of Christ. This marker is a memorial to preserve the names of those interred here—many of their descendants are still members of this Church."

Founding of the church

The earliest members attended the First Evangelical and Reformed Church of Muskingum Township. Later they met at the Methodist Church on Third Street in Lowell while still affiliated with the Muskingum Township congregation. Then in 1858 the German Evangelical Protestant St. John's church was formed. Friedrich Juergens let the church from 1858-1867, and a score of other ministers served from 1838 to 1983. During Juergen's pastorate, a brick building was begun on Walnut Street, and dedicated in 1865. The first constitution was adopted in 1860. A membership of 60 was registered in 1881. A spire topped by a crowing rooster was added in the 1890s. Services continued in German until 1900, when the Rev. Otto W. Breuhaus introduced an evening service in English.

The church building was severely damaged in the 1913 flood and abandoned. The current building on Fourth Street was dedicated in 1916, complete with a furnace and a reed organ. The history of this church's affiliations in the 20th Century is similar to the evolution of quite a few of these German-American churches. In 1905 they became affiliated with the German Evangelical Synod of North America, which became part of the Evangelical and Refomed Church in 1934. In 1957 the United Church of Christ was fomed from the merger of the Evangelical and Reformed Church and the Congregational Christian Church. According to one website, the church is currently listed as nondenominational.


  • Becker, Heinrich, "Von den bergessenen Töchtern und Söhnen Dittweilers," in Wir "Diewiller Waffele:" Geschichten aus un um Dittweiler zum 675. Jubiläum der Erwähnung 1316 und 12. Kreisheimattag
  • Becker, Heinrich, "About the Forgotten Daughters and Sons of Dittweiler,"
    translated by Jim Andris
  • German-American Communities, Churches, Cemeteries, Records and other Sources Washington County and Adjoining Townships in Noble and Monroe Counties, Ohio, information compled by Millie Covey Fry of Marietta, Oh, December 30, 2001; December 4-7, 2006, January 30, 2007. Information provided by Donna Betts, Kurt Ludwig, Catherine Sams, Ernest Thode, and Dean Zimmer.
  • Matt, Barbara Gerhart, translations of the Berg Church Records of Daniel Hirsch.
  • Nikolaus, Walter, Daniel Hirsch: Lehrer—Revolutionär—Pfarrer: 1848; Freiheit und Einheit Deutschland un Europa, unpublished manuscript.
  • Portions of an email from Ernest Thode to others on the Historical Background of St. Paul's and St. Lukes.
  • Zenglein, Dieter, with collaboration from Walter Nokolaus and Heinrich Becker, To the Banks of the Ohio: An Essay on Emigration of People from the Kohlbach ("Coal Creek") Valley to America Especially Washington County, Ohio, in the 19th Century. tr. by Ernest Thode, 1988. (This work contains the following subsections: 1) Introduction, 2) Johann Theobald Schramm and Jacob Berg of Altenkirchen, Two Pioneers of the Kohlbach Valley in the New World, 3) The Great Emigration Wave from the Kohlbach Valley to Ohio in the 19th Century, 4) Daniel Hirsch, Teacher, Pastor, and Democrat: Fate of a Forgotten '48er, 5) The West Palatine Emigrant Community in Washington County, Ohio, and 6) Church Book of the First Evangelical Protestant Congregation in Fearing Township, Washington County, Ohio, begun in 1856 by Daniel Hirsch, formerly teacher in (D-6791) Altenkirchen, and continued until 1914


Names on the plaque shown above are:

Baesel, Anna Katharina 1821-1889 Henniger, Edward 1870-1933 Pfeil, Louisa 1868-1869
Baesel, Nicholas 1823-1908 Henniger, F. William 1837-1873 Pfeil, Maria Katrina 1811-1895
Baesel, Susanna Marie 1804-1877 Henniger, Johann Heinrich 1805-1887 Pfeil, Twin Sons -1872
Baggwell, Samuel 1805-1873 Henniger, Margaret 1844-1910 Preiss, Son 1883-1883
Baker, Emma C. 1863-1865 Henniger, Maria Dorothea 1810-1890 Preiss, Theodore D. 1895-1897
Bammerlin, Johann Friedrich 1806-1883 Hill, John Alvin 1850-1852 Rädenbach, Louise Charlotte 1863-1864
Bäsel, Infant Son -1868 Hollinger, Daniel 1846-1870 Rechsteiner, Johannes 1820-1867
Bäsel, Jakob Friedrich 1838-1866 Jurgens, Karl Ludwig 1786-1861 Rechsteiner, Maria Elisabetha 1862-1872
Bäsel, Johan Joseph 1847-1867 Kastnar, Elisabeth 1858-1860 Rubrecht, Sophia F. 1806-1894
Bäsel, Johann Nicolaus 1797-1870 Kastnar, Hannah 1858-1858 Rupprecht, Friedrich 1805-0873
Bäsel, Michael Konrad 1861-1861 Kauf, Infant -1858 Rupprecht, Johann Georg 1808-1871
Bauer, Adam 1850-1887 Kepple, Christina 1850-1854 Ruprecht, Elizabeth 1847-1859
Bauer, Anna Margaretta 1863-1883 Kepple, Conrad -1871 Schletzer, Herald Karl 1892-1892
Bauer, Elizabeth F. 1832-1886 Kepple, John -1871 Schmidt, Barbara -1879
Bauer, Johan Jacob 1859-1860 Kepple, Lorens 1812-1862 Schneider, Catherine 1811-1904
Bauer, Michael 1857-1886 Koenitzer, Elizabeth 1848-1928 Schneider, Charles D. 1855-1868
Bauer, Oswald 1812-1896 Koenitzer, Friedrich L. 1879-1880 Schneider, Georgie J. 1857-1859
Baumerlin, M. Rosine 1821-1891 Koenitzer, Mary A. 1872-1927 Schneider, Johann Adam 1813-1893
Bäzel, John 1845-1865 Koenitzer, Wilhelm 1836-1917 Schneider, Margaretha 1815-1881
Benline, Charles -1874 Konitzer, Anna C. -1878 Stengel, Michael 1816-1903
Benline, Charlie -1873 Konitzer, Infant -1878 Stengel, Susana 1816-1894
Biehl, Nora Susan 1861-1861 Könitzer, Christian H. 1809-1860 Stingel, Jacob 1851-1858
Boehme, Carl 1854-1859 Könitzer, Karoline F. 1850-1857 Stingle, John 1842-1859
Böhnlein, Kath. Phillipp. 1870-1871 Kramer, Barbara 1816-1890 Thieme, Christian 1831-1856
Bosner, Christian H. -1879 Kramer, Elisabeth B. 1862-1888 Thieme, Pauline 1947-1862
Bosner, Rosina 1819-1871 Kramer, John C. 1819-1898 Wagner, Christina 1831-1856
Cramer, J. Heinrich 1866-1868 Kronmeister, Son 1875-1875 Wagner, John Conrad 1808-1871
Crummer, Nicolaus 1852-1853 Landsittell, K. Elizabeth 1808-1883 Wagner, Counrod 1862-1863
Dallman, Elizabeth -1880 Lauer, John   Wanner, L. David 1859-1865
Denzer, Jacob 1840-1863 Lothes, Adam 1811-1869 Wendell, Wilhelm H. 1870-1870
Döbereiner, Anna Maria 1811-1893 Lothes, Barbara 1861-1871 Wilking, Katharina -1875
Döbereiner, Michael Conrad 1803-1883 Lothes, Lunigunde Anna 1831-1892 Wilking, Mary E. 1874-1876
Drum, ---rass -1869 Lothes, Mike 1858-1863 Wolfram, Caroline H.  
Düring, Georg 1861-1877 Melle, Alwina C. 1833-1888 Wolfram, Elizabeth 1855-1859
Düring, Johann L. 1822-1896 Melle, Frank 1860-1869 Wolfram, Ernst B. -1854
Fritsche, Christine B. 1816-1895 Melle, William 1823-1898 Wolfram, Infant -1871
Fritsche, Minna 1851-1859 Metze, Christiane Sophie 1829-1870 Wolfram, Mary Josephine 1868-1868
Fritzsche, Heinrich David 1816-1871 Myers, Joseph -1867 Wolfram, Wilhelm M. 1857-1859
Gusce, Katharina -1873 Nieder, Magdalene -1855 Wunderlich, Johann 1866-1872
Guse, Louisa C. 1861-1866 Pfiel, Elisabetha 1849-1859 Wunderlich, Michael 1810-1890
Hanes, Mary C. 1854-1855 Pfiel, Johann 1806-1877 Wunderlich, Wilhelmina 1828-1905