J Andris Home
    Main article on Gay Awareness Week
    Schedule for Gay Awareness Week
    Whitsell and Kinkaid distribute materials in Goshen Lounge (4/30)
    Larry Whitsell
    Oppression of rights supported by most of dialog participants (5/1)
    Gay lib members find hostility during dialog (5/1)
    Student letters to the Alestle editor (5/3)
    Hundreds hear gay lib speakers (5/3)
    Most parents accept gay children after adjustment (5/3)
    Gay awareness week successful, according to Whitsell (5/9)
    A challenge to gay students (10/3)
    Main article on Affirmative Action Initiative (1974)
    Gay Rights through Affirmative Action6/21/74
    Affirmative Action Task Force Proposed Administration Article vis a vis Gay Rights10/28/74
    Why Gay Rights Must Be Guaranteed by the SIUE Affirmative Action Program12/4/74
    Memo from Andris to Rendleman regarding AA Task Force Inaction12/4/74
    Memo from Rendleman to Andris12/4/74
    Memo from Andris responding to memo from Rendleman12/10/74

Jim Andris, Facebook

Foundations of Education
Education Division
Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville
Edwardsville, Illinois 62025


John Rendleman President

Dear Dr. Rendleman:

This morning the Affirmative Action Task Force refused to acknowledge a Welfare Council recommendation for the inclusion of gay rights in affirmative action. They did pass a motion saying that they would support your recommending to the Board of Trustees a change in University discrim ination policy to include coverage of sexual orientation, should you deem this necessary. So now this issue is clearly at your door.

I don't know, but I suspect that you are not fully informed on this issue. I demand a hearing with you on this, as I have heard no one but myself present the full positive case. I don't get your cooperation, you are going to see one assistant professor carrying a picket sign saying "SIUE DISCRIMINATES AGAINST GAYS" in front of GOB. As other alternatives I am considering pursuing this issue with the Faculty Organization on Collective Bargaining and through them the IEA. I intend to take what legal action is available if it is necessitated by the University's recalcitrance. You can also expect full publicity of the issue in the local news media. All this could be avoided i f you would simply recognize the legitimacy of my cause.

I am sending a copy of the case I presented to the Task Force this morning for your consideration. Incidently, I can provide you with copies of the references mentioned in the paper.

Sincerely yours,

James F. Andris
Assistant Professor
cc: John Paul Davis