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Andreas Noe and Carolina Harth

What we know about the NOE and the HARTH lines

This is the story, as I know it, of one eighth of my ancestry, two of my great great grandparents, Andreas Noe and Carolina Harth. Originally I knew Andreas Noe only as the father-in-law of my great grandmother, Eva Fickeisen Noe. Eva's husband, Lewis Noe, I had been told, had a terrible temper, and died of the results of a temper tantrum when he was in his middle forties. At that point in time (1904) Eva left their Wood Co., West Virginia farm and returned to Washington Co., Ohio to lived another half-century on the original homestead of her parents, Abraham and Margaret Müller Fickeisen.

I offer my thanks to the genealogical excavation of Catherine Sams, of the Washington County, Ohio Public Library, who supplied much of the information contained herein. This information comes largely from the Berg Church Records. Andreas Noe, born November 9, 1835 in Niederbexbach, Bavarian Pfalz, was the second of nine children of Georg Jacob Noe and Elisabetha Klein Noe. Andreas' wife, Carolina Hearth, born April 24, 1841 in Selchenbach, Bavarian Pfalz, was the daughter of Theobald and Katharina Nau Harth. Carolina immigrated with her family on May 5, 1846 at just five years of age.

Andreas Noe immigrated to this country in June, 1852, with his family at the age of 16.They were married June 23, 1859 when Andreas was 23 and Carolina was 18. They bore all of their 9 children on the same "old home place" in Fearing Township of Washington County, Ohio.