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The Funeral of Georg Ludwig "Louis" Noe

Obituary: Civil War Veteran Claimed By Death

(from the Marietta Daily Times, Monday evening, June 9, 1925, p. 4, col. 5)

Louis Noe, aged 88 years, Civil War veteran and prominent retired farmer of Salem township, died at the home of his son, George Noe, Highland Ridge, on Sunday morning at 4:30 o'clock. Death was due to infirmities.

Mr. Noe was born in Germany in 1837 and when a boy 15 years of age came to the United States with his parents, who settled in Salem township. At the outbreak of the Civil War he enlisted in Company B, 39th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served during the war. In 1866 he was united in marriage with Miss Elizabeth Wilking, of this city. She passed away in 1900. He was a member of the Washington County Veterans Association and of Gutenberg Lodge No. 319, I. O. O. F., of Marietta. He was a lifelong member of the Berg Lutheran Church.

Three sons survive. They are George Noe, at whose home he died; Louis J. Noe, of Oakwood avenue; and Edward noe, of Santa Ana, Cal. Henry Noe, of Whipple, and Daniel Noe, of Toledo, are brothers. Mrs. Peter Pfaff and Mrs. Eva Schultheis, of Marietta, are sisters.

Funeral services will be held at the hoe on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock with Rev. O. W. Breuhaus, of Lowell, officiating. Gutenberg Lodge No. 319 will have charge of the funeral. Interment will be made in the Berg church cemetery.

Burial in the Berg Cemetery

In the collage below, you see a reconstructed image of the burial of Louis Noe in the Berg Cemetery. If you click on the three left and the three right pallbearers, you can see an enlarged picture of these men. I am assuming that there is a strong probability that they include Louis Noe's three sons (mentioned in the above obituary), and the two brothers mentioned in the obituary.