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The Other Abraham Fickeisen Children

Anna Marie (1859), John (1862) and Luisa (1864)

Anna Maria Philobena Fickeisen Biehl (1859-1959) was listed in the 1870 Census as 11 years old and in school. She was gone from home at age 21 by the next census. According to the Berg Church Marriages 1874-1888 Anna Maria Philippina Fickeisen was born August 26, 1859 in Lawrence Twp. We have her baptaismal record on 3 Jan 1861 at 12:00 noon. Witnesses were Jacob Fickeisen, Maria Boehrmann wife of Heinrich Weiss, Friedrich Mootz, Katharina Born wife of Adam Buertel, Friedrich Bender, Philippina Lamprecht wife of Jacob Born. However, her obituary states that she was born on 26 Aug 1859 and died 6 Jul 1958.

She married Heinrich (Henry) Biehl, who was born June 26, 1860, in Lawrence Twp. They were married by Daniel Hirsch on September 21, 1882 at 2 pm in Fearing Twp. Witnesses to the marriage were Dorothea Hirsch and Philippina, wife of Daniel Hirsch. His obituary appeared in the Marietta Times on 6 May 1926.

"The Biehls came from Bonn, intermarried with the Fickeisens and the Noes," my mother said. They had two boys Elmer and Irvin. The Berg Church records show that Elmer Jacob Biehl was born April 22, 1883 (almost exactly 9 months after his parents' marriage) and baptised June 3, 1883. However, the Washington Co. Ohio Births, vol. 2 gives the date as 22 Oct 1883. The witnesses were Luisa Elisabetha Biehl and Abraham Fickeisen. Elmer married Marie from Germany and Irvin married Blanch Oliver. Neither son sired children. Irvin and Blanch lived with "Aunt Annie," Irvin's mother on the family homestead. The house is on County Road 24 (Moss Run) in Washington County. Apparently Blanch abused Anna. Blanch Oliver had a brother, Clay Oliver. His daughter, Margie verified (Nov 92) that Blanch beat up on Aunt Annie. (Dale Moore married Margie.) Marge's mother saw the bruises on Anna's back. Elmer wanted my mother, Lorene, to call the sheriff. Lorene, said "Wait a minute, Elmer, you're the son, I'm only the grand niece." Elmer packed up his bags and went back to Florida.

Mom told me a story about one time, someone said to "Aunt" Annie, "Let's have a dance." She said "Well, you can't have it in the barn, it's full of hay." So they moved the big dining room table up against the wall. They had 4 sets (a set is two couples), most in the big room, some in another room. There were musicians in the Fickeisen clan. Eve played the concertina and Dan played the violin.

Later on, Irvin was in hospital for two months. He was a lineman for the County and had gotten electrocuted, fallen and broken his leg, which was then put in traction. While he was gone, Blanch put Anna in the County House. When he came back from the hospital, he sat down at the supper table and said, "Blanche, where's mother?" Blanch said, "She's in the County House where she belongs. I can't take care of both you and her." Irvin looked down at his plate and keeled over dead. (Neighbor woman, Taylor, told this story.) Blanch also sold the old family tree that hung on the wall to a beer hall.

"Uncle" John Fickeisen (1862) was a carpenter who also lived in Whipple. The Berg Church records show that Johann Eduard Fickeisen was born February 4, 1862 in Washington Co. and baptised December 7, 1862 at 1 pm. The witnesses to his baptism were Elisabaetha Wagner wife of Friedrich Bender, Johan Scholboehm, Philippina Buertel wife of Friedrich Mootz, Adam Buertel, Clara Boye wife of Caspar Fitschen, Conrad Fitschen, Margaretha Lauer wife of Jacob Ludwig, Jacob Born, Katharina Elisabetha Langermann wife of Heinrich Alban and Johannes Closs. He appears as an 8 year old in the 1870 Census and as an 18 year old in the 1880 Census, where he is listed as "laborer."

According to Catherine Sams, he married Elizabeth Eva Noe. Her obituary in he Marietta Times confirms the following. She was born on Jan. 21, 1867 and spent her entire life in Fearing Township. She was the daughter of Henry and Louise Schultheis Noe. She was a member of the Lutheran Church. Her brothers and a sister were William Noe of Parkersburg; Adolph Noe of Kent, and Miss Clara Noe of Akron.

Their children were:

  • Clarence, 9 May 1889. Clarence maried Flora Henniman. Lorene says Clarence moved to Akron and was never heard of again.
  • Mathilda "Tillie," 4 Jul 1892.Tillie had a daughter, Gertrude Fickeisen before she was married. Then Tillie married Edward Gerber and their two sons were Robert and Dale. They lived in Stanleyville. Then she married a Hemmiger, no more children.
  • Lillie Louise, 2 Sep 1896. She married Frank Keller, and they lived in Lowell.
  • Florence Margaretha, 23 Aug, 1898. Her mother's obituary states her married name was Stamm and that she was of Marietta.
  • Lorena Clara, 10 Jul 1902. She married Howard Fosnight. Mom thinks that Lorena had one boy who got killed before he married.
  • Her obituary notes a daughter, "Mrs. Nettie Doan at the family home."

Mother gives these approximate life spans: Lillie, 80s, Tillie, 100 when she died, Lorena, 70.

According to Catherine Sams, Louisa Fickeisen was born 18 Apr 1864 and died 10 Jan 1888. She married a Biehl. Mother thought that Louisa died near her late teens with a disease that was going around, some kind of fever. She was listed in the 1880 Census.

Created by Jim Andris, March 19, 2000.