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    Anna Marie (1859), John (1862) and Luisa (1864)
    Abraham, Jr. (1866 or 1867), Jacob (1868 or 1869), Charlie (1871), and Daniel (1873)
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Abraham Fickeisen and Margaretha Mueller

What the census data tells us

Raising their family. Over a period of twenty years, Abraham and Margaret had 12 children, 6 boys and 6 girls. According to the census data, the dates of the original 12 children are:

 Catherine  1850  Eve  1857  Abraham  1866
 Margaret  1851  Anna  1859  Jacob  1868/69
 Caroline  1853  John E.  1862  Charles  1871
 Adam  1854/55  Louisa  1864  Daniel  1873

It's not quite as certain where the children were born. One probable path, according to my mom, was New York City -> Albany -> Syracuse -> Erie -> Ashtabula -> Wheeling -> Pleasant Ridge (Lawrence Twp.), Ohio. My most probable estimate is that the first four children were born in Syracuse, NY, Eve was born in Wheeling, (West) Virginia, and the rest were born on Pleasant Ridge in Washington County, Ohio.

I think that the census data in Table 1 is consistent with what my mom believes. Notice that the reported birthplace of the middle children Adam, Eve, and Anna, changes for the three censuses. I tend to believe the 1870 Census for the following reasons. The 1860 Census had mostly the first six children (although Eve inexplicably isn't mentioned), and they probably just said that they had come from New York. However, why Catherine, the first child, is shown as being born in Ohio in the 1860 Census is a mystery. At the time of the 1880 Census, only Adam remained of the children born in New York. So they may have just said that all the children were born in Ohio. However, at the time of the 1870 Census, there was the greatest mix of children born in the three locations New York, Virginia and Ohio. If we trust the 1870 Census, it shows that the first four children were born in New York. Eve is shown as being born in Virginia in the 1870 census, but remember that West Virginia was then part of Virginia. All of the other children are shown as being born in Ohio.

Table 1: Census data on the Fickeisen family
for Washington Co., Lawrence Twp.

1860 1870 1880 Birthplace Occ 1870, 1880
Age Born Age Born Age Born
Abraham 31 1825 45 1825 55 1825 Bavaria Farmer
Margaret 35 1825 45 1825 55 1825 Prussia Keep house
Catherine 10 1850 OH,
Margaret 9 1851 19 1851 NY, NY Help mother
Caroline 7 1853 NY
Adam 15 1855 26 1854 NY, NY, OH Works farm, laborer
Eve 13 1857 23 1857 __, VA, OH School
Anna 11 1859 __, OH, OH School
John E. 8 1862 8 1862 __, OH, OH School, laborer
Louisa 6 1864 16 1864 __, OH, OH
Abraham 4 1866 13 1867 __, OH, OH
Jacob 2 1868 11 1869 __, OH, OH
Charles 9 1871 __, __, OH
Daniel 7 1873 __, __, OH

Created by Jim Andris, March 19, 2000.