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    Abraham Fickeisen and Margaretha Mueller
    How they came to America
    What the census data tells us
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    Anna Marie (1859), John (1862) and Luisa (1864)
    Abraham, Jr. (1866 or 1867), Jacob (1868 or 1869), Charlie (1871), and Daniel (1873)
    Descendants of Jacob Fickeisen and Julia Born
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Jacob Fickeisen (b. 1823) and Elizabeth Born Descendants

Throughout my investigation of the pedigree and desendants of my great, great grandfather, Abraham Fickeisen, I have again and again come up against fragments of the history of his brother, Jacob Fickeisen. Abraham and Margaretha Mueller Fickeisen had twelve children, and their lives have all been documented in these pages. It is now time to document Jacob Fickeisen and his descendants.

Jacob Fickeisen son of Johann Adam Fickeisen & Maria Marda Doll was christened 19 Feb. 1823 at Gumbsweiler, Pfalz, Bayern, the same town as his brother, Abraham. He married his wife, Elizabeth Born, in 1853 in Wheeling, WV. (email correspondence with Doris Lee.)

I have learned quite a bit from the census records for Washington County, Ohio for the years 1860-1880, and for 1900. In 1860, we find Jacob, 37, and Elizabeth, 35, (Born) Fickeisen and their two children, Jacob, 6 and Adam, 1, living in Fearing Twp. just down the road from Andreas Noe, another great great grandfather of mine. Jacob is shown as having been born in Virginia, which included West Virginia at the time. In fact, we know that Abraham and Margaret had their daughter, Eve, in Wheeling in 1857.

In 1870, we find Jacob, 40, and Elizabeth, 46, on a farm with five children: Elizabeth, 9, Eve, 7, and George, 3, in addition to Jacob, now 17, and Adam, now 11.

By 1880, Jacob, 57, and Elizabeth, 55, are living with daughter Elizabeth, 18, and sons, Adam, 21 and George 13. I infer that they have been on the same farm for 20 years, since the same Jacob Born is living on another farm near them in both 1860 and 1880.

Descendants of Jacob J. Fickeisen and Elizabeth Erb

The Census shows that by 1880, older son, Jacob, (b. 1853) has now started his own farm and family in neighboring Liberty Twp. He is shown there with wife, Elizabeth Erb, and children Elizabeth, 5, and Adam, 2. (But strangely, the children are shown as of questionable german parentage, which suggests a possible adoption.) Doris Lee has provided a long list of descendants of Jacob J. and Elizabeth Erb Fickeisen.

#36 of some Berg Church Record says that Adam Fickeisen was born 10 Mar 1878, son of Jacob Fickeisen of Wheeling, WV and Elisabetha Erb of Pittsburgh, PA. Over 20 witnesses saw this baptism on 24 Nov 1878 at 4 pm.

Descendants of Johann Adam Fickeisen and Margaret Becker

The Baptisms 1858 on the Hill Lowell show that Johann Adam Ficheisen was born 8 Sep 1858 in Fearing Twp. the son of Jacob and Elisabetha Fickeisen. He was baptised 19 Nov 1858 at noon, and the 6 witnesses included Katharina Zingling, Freidericke Mootz, Philippina Leonhard, Abraham Ficheisen, Philippina Noe (?) and Adam Buertel. The Marriages 1883-1885 Berg Church does show a John A. Fickeisen of Fearing Twp. (Eva's brother was John E. Fickeisen) who married a Margaretha Becker of Liberty Twp. on 28 Jan 1885.

According to the obituary of Margaret Becker Fickeisen, she was born 28 Jan 1855, lived her entire life in Washington Co., OH, and died Tuesday, 7 Sep 1915. "She is survived by her husband and four children: Mrs. Mary Bauer, Mrs. Elizabeth Zimmer and Albert Fickeisen, all of this city, and Walter Fickeisen, of Stanleyville. She is also survived by four sisters: Mrs. Kate Schlarp and Mrs. Mary Young, both of Lower Salem; Mrs. Julia Fickeisen, of Stanleyville; and Mrs. Elizabeth Daniel, of Ironton." She was interred in the Berg Cemetery.

We have also this Berg Church Records entry: Albert Daniel Fickeisen, born 13 Nov 1888, Fearing Twp., son of Adam Fickeisen of Fearing Twp. and Margaretha Becker of Liberty Twp. bapt. 9 Jun 1889, 12 noon. Witnesses Georg Fickeisen and Juliana Becker.

As was so common in this German-American community, apparently brothers (John Adam and George Fickeisen) married sisters (Margaret and Julia Becker).

From the records of the Washington County Genealogy Library, we may have the obituary of the wife of son, Albert. She died 16 Aug 1976 after living over 50 years in Arizona. It says she is survived by a brother, Edwin Lauer, of Stanleyville, and by children, Norman, Gladys Gavette and Zona Brighton.

Descendants of Karl Buertel and Elizabetha Fickeisen

Jacob and Elizabeth's first daughter, Elisabetha, born 29 Jan 1861 and baptised October 19, 1862 at 5:00 p.m. The witnesses of this baptism are especially interesting: Caspar Fitschen, Margaretha Müller, wife of Abraham Fickeisen, Jacob Ludwig, Carolina Lang, wife of Johannes Clos, Michael Schramm, and Carolina Buertel.

We can infer that she married Karl Buertel from this entry in the Berg Church Records, "Eduard Buertel, born 25 Feb 1885 in Lawrence Twp. was a son of Karl Buertel and Elisabetha Fickeisen of Fearing Twp. He was baptized 12 Mar 1885 at 5:00 pm and the witnesses were Jacob Fickeisen and Katharina widow of Adam Buertel, recorded as grandparents of the child."

Descendants of Daniel Biehl and Eva Fickeisen

Jacob and Elizabeth Born Fickeisen had a daughter Eva Fickeisen, born 12 Jul 1863, Fearing Twp. and baptized on 29 Nov 1863. Witnesses were (page torn) Buertel, Peter Pfaff, Katharina Fickeisen represented by his mother Christen Becker (sic), Margaretha wife of Jacob Ludwig, Johannes Lauer, Clara wife of Caspar Fitschen, Daniel Becker, Christina wife of John Pape and Jacob Becker. Eva married Daniel Biehl, brother of Heinrich Biehl who married Anna Philobena Fickeisen.

  • On 22 Nov 1879 in Fearing Twp. Daniel and Eva had a son, Hermann. At the baptism on 29 Dec 1879 the witnesses were Johannes Gerhold and Luisa wife of Heinrich Noe.
  • Luisa Elisabetha Biehl was born 29 May 1883. She was baptized 25 Nov 1883 and the witnesses were Friedrich Buertel, Elisabaetha wife of Guckert, Ludwig Biehl, Elisabetha wife of Jacob Zimmer, Jacob Simon, Maragaretha wife of Adam Schultheiss, Jacob Born, Elisabetha sife of Adam Schultheiss, Theobald Dauber, Anna wife of Heinrich Biehl, Johann Ludwig, Elisabetha Clos, Karl Buertel, Elisabetha Noe, Adam Fickeisen, and Luisa Elisabetha Biehl.
  • They had twin sons, born 10 Feb 1889 in Lawrence Twp. and baptised April 14, 1889 at 12 noon. According to the church records, the witnesses for Gilbert Edwin were Jacob Fickeisen and Katharina, wife of Ludwig Biehl, while the witnesses for Edwin Gilbert were Ludwig Biehl and Elisabetha, wife of Jacob Fickeisen. According to mom, one died and one lived. The home was on 3rd street, and the daughters were Inez and Edna Biehl. They went to high school with mom. (Entries 3, 4 in Baptisms 1889 on the Hill, Lowell, Daniel Hirsch, Pastor, Washington Co., OH

Descendants of George Fickeisen and Julia A. Becker

By 1900, George, too, has started his own family in Liberty Twp. He is listed as 33, with wife, Julia, A., 35; children, Clarence E., 6, Daniel J., 4, and George E., 2, as well as mother-in-law, Margaret Baker, widowed, 76. We can infer from this that he was born around 1867.

I have written an article on Raymond Fickeisen, grandson of George Fickeisen and son of Daniel J. Fickeisen.

Revised extensively by Jim Andris, July 3, 2005.