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 Andris Genealogy (Darquennes)
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    The Roots of Abraham Fickeisen and Margaretha Mueller
    Descendant Chart of Jean Adam Fickeisen and Maria Marde Doll
    Abraham Fickeisen and Margaretha Mueller
    How they came to America
    What the census data tells us
    Bringing in the land records
    Eva (my great grandmother—1857)
    Early Life
    Their marriage
    Life after Lou died
    The other Abraham Fickeisen Children
    Catherine (1850), Margaretha (1851), Carolina (1853) and Adam (1854)
    Anna Marie (1859), John (1862) and Luisa (1864)
    Abraham, Jr. (1866 or 1867), Jacob (1868 or 1869), Charlie (1871), and Daniel (1873)
    Descendants of Jacob Fickeisen and Julia Born
    Also see Fickeisen Connections
 Hirsch's Churches
 Ludwig Cemetery
 Sitka Cemetery
 Jim's Garrett
 Lorene Andris
 Trip to Germany
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The Cow Run Band

According to Lorene Sullivan Andris, the following people are in this picture: 1) Jakie Fickeisen, son of Margaret Fickeisen, 2nd from left, 1st row, 2) Dr. McCowan, 4th from left in 1st row, 3) Frank Weinstock (made horse shoes, had the finest anvil), 5th from left, 1st row, 4) Charlie Fickeisen, married Rosena "Zeni" Gilcher, of Whipple, 2nd from left in 2nd row, 5) Ed Becker, son of Margaretha Fickeisen Becker and John (Ed) Becker of Sitka, 3rd from left, second row, 6 & 7) Ed Biehl and Charlie Biehl, brothers of Henry Biehl, 4th and 5th from left in 2nd row, and 8) Foreman Fickeisen, oldest son of Charlie Fickeisen, 1st on right in 2nd row. Taken @ 1910.

If anyone has further information about others in this picture, please contact me at jandris@siue.edu.