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Mary Ross

Seeking information on the Galion, Ohio Fickeisens

In September, 2002, I received the following message from Mary Ross.

My great grandfather, Johannes Weisenauer emigrated with a Fickeisen family. He arrived 1 Jan 1855 in New Orleans and travelled from there up the river to Ohio. Johannes was orignially in Galion, then moved to Lykens, also in Crawford County, Ohio. On the ship with Johannes was:

Sophia Fickeisen, age 46,
Elise, age 21,
Julia, age 19,
Jacob, age 15,
Jakob, age 12 (lost overboard),
Charles, age 9,
Louis, age 8.

Our family lore associated with Johannes Weisenauer was that he came to America with some young men that had relatives in Ohio, so he came to Ohio too, and that one of the boys he came with was lost overboard. Are you familiar with these names? … I think my connection might be with Fickeisens in Galion, Ohio.

Thanks for any help you can give.

If anyone has information relating to Mary's request, I will pass it on to her.