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 Andris Genealogy (Darquennes)
    Robert A. Andris Descendants (2nd Andris cousins)
    William Hale (distant Andris cousin)
    Jean Jacques Lannois (8th Falleur cousin once removed)
    Peggy Burge (distant Fickeisen cousin by marriage)
    Curt Fickeisen (Fickeisen cousin?)
    Mary Anne Knoke (2nd Fickeisen cousin once removed)
    Doris Cox Lee (4th Fickeisen cousin)
    Mary Ross (seeking Fickeisen information)
    Jaye Drummond (double 5th Harth cousin)
    Manfred Harth (5th Harth cousin)
    Tim Moellendick (distant Noe cousin by marriage)
    Roberta Preston-Napier (2nd Sullivan cousin once removed)
    Bob Behnen (Genealogy researcher)
    Lila Hill (Fickeisen cousin by marriage)
    Raymond Fickeisen (3rd cousin once removed)
    Laura Bozzay (Andris researcher)
    Eleanor Cox Scott 4th Fickeisen Cousin
    Michael Sullivan 2ndSullivan Cousin once removed
    Ghislaine Andris Rockwood 7th Andris Cousin
 Hirsch's Churches
 Ludwig Cemetery
 Sitka Cemetery
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 Lorene Andris
 Trip to Germany
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Curt Fickeisen and Jim Andris: Cousins?

During the year 2000, Curt Fickeisen and I engaged in a long e-mail dialog about Fickeisen roots, and whether we were related. As you can see by the descendent chart at the bottom of this page, Curt traces his roots back to a Jacob Fickeisen married to Catharina Bapst. The six children of Jacob and Catharina were all christened in a civil ceremony in Gumbsweiler, Pfalz, Bavaria. The research that Curt did, however, showed that Peter Jacob Fickeisen had settled around Galion, Ohio, and he never uncovered connections to Washington Co., Ohio, where my relatives settled.

I trace my Fickeisen roots back from great grandmother Eva Fickeisen Noe (1857) -> Abraham Fickeisen (1825) -> Johann Adam Fickeisen (1791) -> Peter Fickeissen (m. Sophia). Curt traces his Fickeisen roots back from great grandfather Leonard Fickeisen (1865) -> Peter Jacob Fickeisen (1827) -> Jacob Fickeisen (m. Catharina Bapst). Despite my best efforts, I have not been able to demonstrate a convincing relationship between these two lines. And, I might add, when one searches the International Genealogical Index for Fickeisen matches, there are hundreds and hundreds of entries, many of which are from the area around Gumbsweiler.

My sister, brother and I had also visited Gumbsweiler in 2000, and stood before a church most probably attended by my great great grandfather, Abraham Fickeisen. Surely there must have been a close connection between these two lines. We would welcome any clarification.

One other mystery remained until 2003, when I solved it. Curt discovered that an Abraham Fickeisen was buried in the Fairview Cemetery in Gallion, Ohio. According to those cemetery records, he was born 27 Jun 1866 and died 2 Mar 1915. His wife, Catherine Shupple Fickeisen and two sons, Harvey and Benjamin, who died in their teens, are also buried there. However, Abraham Fickeisen (1825, Gumbsweiler), my great great grandfather, had a son Abraham born in 1866. According to our family legend, preserved by my mom, Abraham, Sr. bought the 40 acres for Abe, Jr. and his wife. They had two kids and lived with Abraham, Sr. Then Abe, Jr.'s wife left. Eva Noe said she ran off with another man. Gallion, Ohio was mentioned in some of our family legends. The Abraham Fickeisen in Fairview Cemetery could well be the son of my great great grandfather. As I found out in 2003, he was.