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Michael Sullivan and Jim Andris: Second Sullivan Cousins Once Removed

Right around the first of 2014, I received an email from a Michael Sullivan. He had found my Sullivan material on the internet, and it seemed very likely that his great grandfather, William Sullivan, and my grandfather, Franklin Marion Sullivan were brothers. He wanted to know if I had any stories or pictures about his great grandfather, or of any of Williams descendants. A correspondence ensued, and I was able to offer a story or two, and a few pictures of relatives.

Of concern to both Michael Sullivan and I was finding a more complete picture of Frank David Sullivan, the father of William and Franklin Marion. Through my own research and my mother's stories, I had reconstructed these general outlines: Frank D. was a riverman, one day, after siring five children by Carolina Buertel, he disappeared into the river mist, with Carolina dying of cancer shortly there after, and Franklin Marion being raised by Carolina's half-sister, Elisabetha. My mother often speculated about the circumstances of Frank D.'s death, but there were no obvious conclusions. I had even gone so far as to request the Catholic Diocese of Cincinnati to search for Frank D.'s birth records, but they were unable to comply with my request.

Michael Sullivan, however, shared with me two other documents that he had uncovered that suggest quite a clear continuation of the story of my Irish great grandfather.

The 1910 U.S. Census of Hamilton County, Ohio lists Frank D. Sullivan as head of household, 55 years old, in a second marriage for 30 years, born in Ohio, both parents are "Irb." Irish, a laborer working on a steamboat "on own interest," employed as of April, 1910, out of work 18 weeks in 1909, able to read and write, renting a house. Listed as living with him is a wife, Rose 63 years old, also married for the second time for 30 years, born in Ohio, father born in Pennsylvania, mother born in Ohio, housewife. The number of children for this couple is listed as 0.

Michael also found a death certificate for Frank Sullivan, born June 2, 1854, died August 28, 1912, age 58, born in Ohio, father, John Sullivan, born in Ireland. Frank's occupation was listed as river man, cause of death, exhaustion from pulmonary tuberculosis, signed by B. C. Willis, who had treated him for six months.

One other piece of information is interesting. According to the 1880 Ohio Census, Frank D. was 26 and Carolina was 35. According to the 1910 U.S. Census, Frank D. was 55 and Rose was 63.

If we assume for a minute that both these records are, in fact, records about my great grandfather, Frank D. Sullivan and are, in fact, entirely accurate, then the following story, augmented by imagination becomes pehaps a strong possibility. Frank D. Sullivan married Carolina Buertel on October 9, 1875. His daughter, Margaret, was born in 1878. The year 1880 was eventful, since his son, William was born then, and apparently, he married Rose around 1880 in Cincinnati. Then my grandfather was born on March, 23, 1881. For reasons about which we can only speculate, he left his family on Pleasant Ridge for wife or partner, Rose, in Cincinnati, and Carolina got sick from cancer and died in 1885. Also Frank D. married women both times about eight years older than him.

I do hold out hope that some day Michael or I or someone will be able to trace the Irish line back farther that we have. At least now I have a possible name for my grandfather's grandfather: John Sullivan. I wonder how many of those there are?