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    Mary Anne Knoke (2nd Fickeisen cousin once removed)
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    Manfred Harth (5th Harth cousin)
    Tim Moellendick (distant Noe cousin by marriage)
    Roberta Preston-Napier (2nd Sullivan cousin once removed)
    Bob Behnen (Genealogy researcher)
    Lila Hill (Fickeisen cousin by marriage)
    Raymond Fickeisen (3rd cousin once removed)
    Laura Bozzay (Andris researcher)
    Eleanor Cox Scott 4th Fickeisen Cousin
    Michael Sullivan 2ndSullivan Cousin once removed
    Ghislaine Andris Rockwood 7th Andris Cousin
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Bob Behnen

In December of 2004 I heard from Bob Behnen, who had come across my genealogy site. He was a genealogy researcher who was seeking further information about the Berg Church Records, which I have mentioned in several places. He has since accessed the information he sought, but in the process of corresponding, he very kindly sent me information that pushed back my ancestral records for several generations, and I thank him for that. Here is what he said:

"The source I mentioned that might be of help to you is a CD which can be purchased through Rolf Freytag http://www.rolf-freytag.de/ He has the Rudi Jung Familienbücher on CD which cover several of the towns where your family originates.  I have conducted a quick search and found some additional info for your ancestor, Margaretha (Blind) Klein and her parents, etc." Bob Behnen, email message, Jan 3, 2005.

Margaretha Blind is the maternal great grandmother of my grandfather Frank Sullivan's mother, Caroline Buertel. The two genealogical pedigree charts below show now a complete four generation chart for my great grandmother, Carolina Buertel (1843-1885), and also a chart that pushes her maternal grandmother Margaretha Blind's chart back six generations in four branches.

It turns out that this family came in large part from the Dennweiler-Fronbach area of the Pfalz, at least the known ancestors.

Also here is an article about Bob Behnen available on the web: A detective of his own past.

Carolina Buertel's Pedigree (3 generations)

Maria Margaretha Blind's Pedigree