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    History of the Glassblowing Andres Name (Lannois)
    Gen 0: Jean Andres 1636
    Gen 1: 1676-1696 Children of Jean Andres and Marie Faller
    Gen 2: 1704-1720 Children of Jean Joseph Andres/Ursula Hocquemiller
    Gen 3: 1732-1751 Children of Jean Andris/Marguerite Engelhart
    Gen 4: 1766-1793 Children of Robert Jh Andris/Marie Thérèse Lefebvre
    Gen 5: 1797-1817 Children of Louis Jh Andrisse/Marie Jh (Thérèse) Brewer
    Gen 6: 1845-1857 Children of Nicolas Jh Andrisse/Hortense Dandois
    Gen 7: 1872-1891 Children of Arthur Andris/Louise Lebrun
    Gen 8: 1894-1910 Children of Arthur Louis Nicolas Andris/Elisa Beaumez and Victorine Dorval
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The Children of Jean Joseph Andres/Ursula Hocquemiller*


  1. Melchior ANDRIES ° 24-01-1704.
  2. Balthasar ANDRES ° 30-05-1706.
  3. Anastasie ANDRIS, ° 15-01-1708 in Wengen (Kempten), † about 1735 in Zwiefalten. Indeed, one finds her husband who widowed, remarie in second weddings with Zwiefalten the 08-05- 1737 with Marie Elisabeth Ramer (L.M. Crismer). She married Jean Martin LANG the 25-06-1729 in Zwiefalten, profession glass-maker.
  4. Jean Gaspar ANDRES ° 07-12-1709.
  5. Jean ANDRIS.
  6. Joseph ANDRES, baptism 10-11-1714 in Zwiefalten, † 19-10-1752 in Charleroi. Baptized in the church St Vincent. SS: Gregoire Faller and Walburge Schwab.
  7. Jacques ANDRES, baptism 13-06-1716 in Zwiefalten. Baptized in the St-Vincent church. Its godfather and godmother are Gregoire Faller and Walburge Schwab.
  8. Walburge ANDRES, baptism 03-03-1718 in Zwiefalten, † 30-10-1718 in Zwiefalten. SS: Jean Renn and Walburge Schwab.
  9. Jean Martin ANDRES, baptism 07-11-1719 in Zwiefalten, † 14-11-1719 in Zwiefalten. SS: Jean Renn and Walburge Schwab. 9. X Antoine ANDRES.
  10. Antoine ANDRES.

Names in bold are followed in the Darquennes genealogy. Names in green represent the descendant who is my progenitor.

Jean Joseph ANDRES, ° 28-10-1681 in Rohrdorf, close to Isny, Allgau, in Württemberg, † 25-09-1743 at Merchweiler glassmaking in Illingen (the Saar). His profession was glass-maker. He came from Zwiefalten, to 100 km south-east of Stuttgart, 50 km south-western of Ulm in Württemberg in Souabe, in 1723. He went then to the glassmaking industry of Hassel, close to St Ingbert, in the Palatinate Saar, Two-Bridges, accompanied by his wife and his children, Melchior, Balthasar and Jean. He thus worked from the very start in this forest glassmaking. This glassmaking, created in 1723, ceased its activities around 1745/46 (Crismer, pp. 327, 341). About 1737, they left Hassel for the glassmaking house of Merchweiller with Illingen (the Saar).
Hohenzollern, Ursula HAUKENMILLER (= HOCQUEMILLER), born about 1684 in Wiggensbach, in Allgau (it should be noted that the R.P. begin in 1696). She is the daughter of Jacques HAGGEMILLER and Brigitte SCHMIDT from Oberhaufen, southern village west of Kimratshofen, sovereignty of Kempten, in Allgau, in Souabe Bavaroise. When her son Antoine married in 1747, Ursula lived in Illingen. She died in Charleroi the 28-08-1755, "widowed Jean Andris, buried the following day, provided with the sacraments of the Holy Church".
Jacques Hocquemiller is probably the first glass-maker in this family, which one finds operation with the glassmaking of Unter Kürnach since 1669 (Crismer, p. 340). Mr Crismer adds: "many citizens of Allgau were employed; but only one would be allowed in the dynasty of the blowers of blood. It is about their son Jean Haggenmiller because his/her mother was Schmidt and her two elder sisters, Anastasie and Ursula, had married two Masters glass-makers, respectively Jacques Schmidt and Jean Joseph Andres.

Mr Claude Andries, in a work in preparation, studied the history of the family ANDREIS-ANDRES-ANDRIES during 16th and 17th Centuries and wanted to show the bonds between Allgau and Trente. He proposed that Jean Jh Andres met Ursula Haggenmiller because the HAGENMILLERs belonged to a family of restorers of churches. What is certain, is that Johan Georg HAGGENMÜLLER was a stucco worker (nobody who manufactures stuccos imitating the marble). He had studied in Rome and he worked in 1684 on the restoration of the St. Lorentz Basilica in Kempten. He had executed the columns in false marble of the Master furnace bridge of the basilica; raised gold columns (source "Oberschwäbische Barockstrasse", vol. III - Spahr p. 113).

Therefore, the HAGGENMÜLLERs and the ANDRESes knew each other since they worked together with the restoration of the basilica. It is possible, but not completely certain, that a Jacques HAGGENMÜLLER (X Brigitte SCHMIDT) was a glass-maker.

At the same time, Jean ANDRES (X Marie FALLER), is a glass-maker with Unterkürnach. This locality was dependent on Wiggensbach (see Spahr, vol. III, p. 94). the glassmaking was transported in 1685 in Obere Kürnach.

* Taken directly from André DARQUENNES and Frédéric GOBBE, On the traces of glass-makers: The ANDRIS(SE) Family (A partial translation by Jim Andris), GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF the BELGIAN HAINAUT a.s.b.l., Charleroi, July, 2003.