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 Andris Genealogy (Darquennes)
    History of the Glassblowing Andres Name (Lannois)
    Gen 0: Jean Andres 1636
    Gen 1: 1676-1696 Children of Jean Andres and Marie Faller
    Gen 2: 1704-1720 Children of Jean Joseph Andres/Ursula Hocquemiller
    Gen 3: 1732-1751 Children of Jean Andris/Marguerite Engelhart
    Gen 4: 1766-1793 Children of Robert Jh Andris/Marie Thérèse Lefebvre
    Gen 5: 1797-1817 Children of Louis Jh Andrisse/Marie Jh (Thérèse) Brewer
    Gen 6: 1845-1857 Children of Nicolas Jh Andrisse/Hortense Dandois
    Gen 7: 1872-1891 Children of Arthur Andris/Louise Lebrun
    Gen 8: 1894-1910 Children of Arthur Louis Nicolas Andris/Elisa Beaumez and Victorine Dorval
    List of currently verified family history records
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Children of Jean Andris/Marguerite Engelhart*


  1. Jean ANDRIS ° vers 1732.
  2. Laurent Jean ANDRIS ° vers 1733.
  3. Melchior ANDRIS ° 13-01-1735.
  4. Marie Madeleine ANDRIS, ° 31-03-1737 à Charleroi.A son baptême, SS : Jean Engelhardt et Agathe VOGT.
  5. Jean Pierre ANDRIS ° 30-06-1739.
  6. François Jh ANDRIS, ° 10-12-1741 à Charleroi.SS : François Jh Berger et Jeanne Jh Richir. Patronyme maternel écrit HACKLEREN.
  7. Robert Jh ANDRIS ° 26-05-1744.
  8. Jacques Antoine ANDRIS, ° 02-12-1746 à Charleroi. Parrain Joseph Schmidt, marraine Marguerite Tourneur.
  9. François Jh ANDRIS, ° 12-12-1749 à Charleroi. SS : Laurent Andris et Marie Catherine Andris.
  10. Madeleine Jhe ANDRIS ° 28-03-1751.

Names in bold are followed in the Darquennes genealogy. Names in green represent the descendant who is my progenitor.

Jean ANDRIS, baptized the 23-02-1712 in Zwiefalten, glass-blower, † 08-06-1751 in Charleroi. Born and baptized in the St. Vincent church, "son of Joseph, the glassmaker". His godfather and godmother are Jean Martin Griesmeyer (= GRISSEIGER, CRISMER) and Walburge Schwab. Jean Andris arrived in 1734 at Charleroi for the glassmaking business of Moreau. Becoming ill, he is represented by his son when he is received middle-class from Charleroi 04-06-1751. He died on June 8, 1751 (death certificate n° D42v, where the name of his wife is spelled EICHLERREN). After her death, his wife Marguerite Engillart (ENGELHART) lends the oath on next 17 August (Popular Education, 1894/1).

He had married Marguerite ENGELHART, ° at Hasel (the Saar), † 22-01-1770 in Charleroi. Informed HECKLEREN about RP of Charleroi where she arrived around 1728/1730. Here also there is confusion in the spelling of the name: ENGILLART, EIKLERIN or HAC(K)LERINE, according to the variations of the content of each register.

* Taken directly from André DARQUENNES and Frédéric GOBBE, On the traces of glass-makers: The ANDRIS(SE) Family (A partial translation by Jim Andris), GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF the BELGIAN HAINAUT a.s.b.l., Charleroi, July, 2003.