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    History of the Glassblowing Andres Name (Lannois)
    Gen 0: Jean Andres 1636
    Gen 1: 1676-1696 Children of Jean Andres and Marie Faller
    Gen 2: 1704-1720 Children of Jean Joseph Andres/Ursula Hocquemiller
    Gen 3: 1732-1751 Children of Jean Andris/Marguerite Engelhart
    Gen 4: 1766-1793 Children of Robert Jh Andris/Marie Thérèse Lefebvre
    Gen 5: 1797-1817 Children of Louis Jh Andrisse/Marie Jh (Thérèse) Brewer
    Gen 6: 1845-1857 Children of Nicolas Jh Andrisse/Hortense Dandois
    Gen 7: 1872-1891 Children of Arthur Andris/Louise Lebrun
    Gen 8: 1894-1910 Children of Arthur Louis Nicolas Andris/Elisa Beaumez and Victorine Dorval
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Children of Robert Jh Andris/Marie Thérèse Lefebvre*


  1. Jean Jacob (Jacques) ANDRIJS, ° 12-01-1766 in Charleroi. SS: Jean Jacques Lefèvre and Marguerite Hereleman (= Engelhardt).
  2. Jean Jh ANDRIS, ° 15-05-1767 in Charleroi. SS: Jean Jh Andris and Catherine Jh Lefèbvre.
  3. Michel ANDRIS ° 11-11-1768.
  4. Melchior Jh ANDRISSE ° 09-12-1770.
  5. Jean Jacques ANDRISSE ° 22-09-1772.
  6. Jean Pierre ANDRISSE, ° 01-05-1774 in Charleroi, profession glass-maker, † 26-10-1823 in Charleroi. Microfilm 0281583, marriage certificate.
    He married Marie Anne PIETQUIN the 05-05-1813 in Charleroi, ° 04-01-1784 in Charleroi, girl of Etienne PIETQUIN and Marie Jh EVRARD, cabaretière, † 14-06-1863 in Lodelinsart. Microfilm 1539086, death certificate n° 84 "widow in first weddings of Pierre ANDRIS and seconds of Pierre HORNS."
  7. Louis Jh ANDRISSE ° 28-02-1776.
  8. Marie Thérèse ANDRIS ° 29-03-1778.
  9. Joséphine ANDRIS ° 07-08-1780.
  10. Nicolas Jh ANDRIS ° 08-09-1782.
  11. Marianne Jhe Dieudonnée ANDRIS, ° 30-10-1784 in Charleroi. Microfilm 0281578, birth certificate. SS: François Evrard, coalminer and Marie Anne Jh Lebacque. She married Edouard Jh PAYELLE the 11-04-1807 in the Fresnes-on-Scheldt (F), ° 25-01- 1782 in Péruwelz, wire of Eloi PAYELLE and Marie Julienne CASTIAUX, blower of bottles.
  12. Gaspar ANDRIS, ° 03-10-1787 in Charleroi, † 11 11-1794 in Charleroi. Microfilm 0281578, birth certificate. SS: Andris nickel silver, working glass-maker and Thérèse Dusart, negotiating, born in Feluy. It is "deceased in low age".
  13. Pierre Jh ANDRIS ° 08-08-1790.
  14. Victoire ANDRIS, ° 15-05-1793 in Charleroi, † 13-10-1794 in Charleroi. SS: Michel Andris, working glass-maker and Marie Thérèse Andris, both of Charleroi. "the father misses".

Names in bold are followed in the Darquennes genealogy. Names in green represent the descendant who is my progenitor.

Robert Jh ANDRIS, ° 26-05-1744 in Charleroi, main glass-blower, † 18-11-1814 in Charleroi. SS: Robert Chenut and Elisabeth Andrisse.
With lent the oath of middle-class man of Charleroi on 8 May 1766 and paid the necessary rights.

He married in first weddings Marie Thérèse LEFEBVRE the 10-02-1765 in Charleroi, ° 02-04-1745 in Charleroi, (girl of Jean Jacques LEFEBVRE and Marie Jh QUINET) † 26-08-1794 in Charleroi. The date of his death is indicated on the marriage certificate of his son Pierre in Fresnes-on-Scheldt on March 29, 1813 and of his son Jean Pierre in Charleroi on May 5, 1813. Microfilm 1462227, marriage certificate the 10-02- 1765. Witnesses with the marriage Jacques and Marie Beard Lefèbvre.

More Children:

  1. Marie Thérèse ANDRIS ° 30-06-1804.
  2. Marie Beard Adelaide ANDRIS ° 19-04-1806

Robert married in second weddings Marie Jhe LEFEBVRE the 30-04-1804 in Charleroi, ° 20-02-1768 in Charleroi, girl of Jean Jacques LEFEBVRE and Marie Agnès DEVILLERS; she is † 26-01-1840 in Charleroi. Microfilm 0281581, widower of Thérèse Lefèbvre, marriage certificate with Marie Jh Lefèbvre, her second wife, the 20 germinal year XII Church wedding on April 30, 1804, "with exemption of the first to the second degree of affinity". The witnesses with the marriage are Jean Jh Magereel, Joséphine Andris and Jean Philippe ROBERT.

* Taken directly from André DARQUENNES and Frédéric GOBBE, On the traces of glass-makers: The ANDRIS(SE) Family (A partial translation by Jim Andris), GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF the BELGIAN HAINAUT a.s.b.l., Charleroi, July, 2003.