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 Andris Genealogy (Darquennes)
    History of the Glassblowing Andres Name (Lannois)
    Gen 0: Jean Andres 1636
    Gen 1: 1676-1696 Children of Jean Andres and Marie Faller
    Gen 2: 1704-1720 Children of Jean Joseph Andres/Ursula Hocquemiller
    Gen 3: 1732-1751 Children of Jean Andris/Marguerite Engelhart
    Gen 4: 1766-1793 Children of Robert Jh Andris/Marie Thérèse Lefebvre
    Gen 5: 1797-1817 Children of Louis Jh Andrisse/Marie Jh (Thérèse) Brewer
    Gen 6: 1845-1857 Children of Nicolas Jh Andrisse/Hortense Dandois
    Gen 7: 1872-1891 Children of Arthur Andris/Louise Lebrun
    Gen 8: 1894-1910 Children of Arthur Louis Nicolas Andris/Elisa Beaumez and Victorine Dorval
    List of currently verified family history records
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Children of Louis Jh Andrisse/Marie Jh Thérèse Brewer*


  1. Jacques ANDRISSE ° 04-12-1797.
  2. Daniel ANDRISSE ° 01-11-1802.
  3. Célestine ANDRISSE ° 11-06-1804.
  4. Henriette ANDRISSE ° 18-05-1806.
  5. Eugenie (Virginia) Jh ANDRIS ° 20-07-1808.
  6. Robert Jh ANDRIS ° 30-06-1811.
  7. Marie Anne Madeleine ANDRISSE ° 13-09- 1813.
  8. Nicolas Jh ANDRISSE ° 29-10-1815.
  9. Louis ANDRISSE, ° in Jumet.

Louis Jh ANDRISSE, ° 28-02-1776 in Charleroi, working glass-maker, † 02-04-1853 in Jumet. SS: Jean Pierre Lefebvre and Marie Catherine Macastiaux. He married Marie Jhe (Thérèse) BREWER the 11-02- 1797 in Charleroi, ° 26-09-1776 in Charleroi, daughter of Jean George BREWER and Marguerite MOHR, † 17 05-1860 in Lodelinsart. Widowed, she comes to live in Lodelinsart coming from Jumet where it lived street under Tongres, n° 160 become 354 the 22-08-1859 (Reg. Pop. 5/124/919 - 1856-1866).

* Taken directly from André DARQUENNES and Frédéric GOBBE, On the traces of glass-makers: The ANDRIS(SE) Family (A partial translation by Jim Andris), GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF the BELGIAN HAINAUT a.s.b.l., Charleroi, July, 2003.