 Cold Harbor
    Mercy, Mercy, Mercy
    You've Got a Friend
    You're So Vain
    Get Ready
    White Rabbit
    I Feel the Earth Move
    Crocodile Rock
    Rolling Stone
    Brown Eyed Girl
    Eli's Coming
    Thunder and Lightning
 Heidi and Jim
 Noel Coward
 Musical Review
 Folk Ballad
 Gay Ballad
 Gay Humor
 Gay Love Song
 Love Song
 New Age
 Personal Pride
 Political Ballad

Contact: Facebook.


words and music by Bobby Hebb, 1963

Ellen O'Brien, vocals, Jim Andris, keyboard, Mike Bortko, bass, Ed Ebert, drums

Sunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain.
Sunny, you smiled at me and really eased the pain.
Oh, the dark days are done and the bright days are here,
my sunny one shines so sincere.
Oh, Sunny one so true, I love you.

Sunny, thank you for the sunshine bouquet.
Sunny, thank you for the love you brought my way.
You gave to me your all and all,
now I feel ten feet tall.
Oh, Sunny one so true, I love you.

Sunny, thank you for the truth you've let me see.
Sunny, thank you for the facts from A to Z.
My life was torn like a windblown sand,
then a rock was formed when we held hands.
Sunny one so true, I love you.

Sunny, thank you for that smile upon your face.
Sunny, thank you for that gleam that flows with grace.
You're my spark of nature's fire,
you're my sweet complete desire.
Sunny one so true, I love you.