 Heidi and Jim
 Noel Coward
 Musical Review
 Folk Ballad
 Gay Ballad
 Gay Humor
 Gay Love Song
 Love Song
 New Age
 Personal Pride
    I have a penny in my pocket (1964)
    The man against the wall (1968)
    291-32-3848 (1974)
    My song (1974)
    Who was the one (1974)
    I've been around for a long, long time (1975)
    He just wanted to be himself (1983) (Video)
 Political Ballad

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Jim Andris' Songs of Personal Pride

Yes, I've had quite a struggle with personal pride, a very complex one. However, in my later years, I've replaced most of the pride with the simple belief that the rest of the world needs me, whether it knows it or not. The same could be said for each of you.

At any rate, this list of songs is of some personal history interest, and the last two songs are good ones. In fact, those who have heard me perform request He just wanted to be himself again and again. Its popularity cuts across the political and spiritual spectrum.

  • When I wrote Penny I was in graduate school, on my own, depressed and poor, but, as you can see, that sense of personal pride would not die.
  • In Listen to your friends Jimmie struggles with the gay urges inside him without actually speaking the love that dared not speak its name.
  • 291-32-3848 was actually written for/about my now deceased first lover, David Johnathon Miller while we were living together.
  • And My song was written for me by me about the same time and during my TA therapy training with Jim McKenna.
  • I began to suspect that my first lover, David, was going to leave. Who was the one gives him permission to do so from an ok place.
  • As a man in my sixties, I've truly been around for a long, long time. This song has an adolescent cockiness about it that I still draw on.
  • What can I say? If you ever get a chance, you should listen to He just wanted to be himself. I had one P-FLAG mother tell me, "I never really understood my gay son until I heard your song." What a compliment!