 Heidi and Jim
 Noel Coward
 Musical Review
 Folk Ballad
 Gay Ballad
 Gay Humor
 Gay Love Song
 Love Song
 New Age
 Personal Pride
    I have a penny in my pocket (1964)
    The man against the wall (1968)
    291-32-3848 (1974)
    My song (1974)
    Who was the one (1974)
    I've been around for a long, long time (1975)
    He just wanted to be himself (1983) (Video)
 Political Ballad

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I've been around for a long, long time

© 1975 by Jim Andris

I've been around for a long, long time
Watching the people go by.
I've been a clown in search of a rhyme,
In search of a reason why.
And maybe I'm crazy; I just don't know.
I seem to be hazy on where to go.
I lean to the left and the right
'Til I'm out of sight.

The people all say I'm in need of a goal
To give me a reason to live.
Well, people, your ways are taking their toll.
I'm giving what I can give.
As long as I'm thinking what I can think,
My mind will be seeing and smearing your ink.
I'll stand in the light I can see,
'Til you're seeing me.

And call me names;
I ain't gonna play your games.
You think you've got the truth,
But I'm not gonna throw away my youth.

And I'll be around for a long, long time
Watching the people go by.
I'll be around when you've changed you mind,
Your style and your reason why,
And maybe when everything's said and done,
You'll finally discover that I'm the one
Whose found me a permanent place
In the human race.