 Heidi and Jim
 Noel Coward
 Words and Music (1932)
    Mad About the Boy
 Conversation Piece (1933-4)
    Regency Rakes
 Tonight at 8:30 (1935-6)
    You were There
    Has Anybody Seen Our Ship
 Set to Music (1939)
    I'm So Weary of It All
 Musical Review
 Folk Ballad
 Gay Ballad
 Gay Humor
 Gay Love Song
 Love Song
 New Age
 Personal Pride
 Political Ballad

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Noël Coward

As each year of my life passes, I recognize more and more how much my spirit resonates with the music of Sir Noël Coward. I never tire of his songs, and seem to just have finished learning one when there I am off to another. My Coward repertoire, and the enjoyment thereof, have grown so much of late that I have decided to record my performances of some of these wonderful songs and share them with the world. I will not attempt to duplicate Coward's inimitable style, amazing vibrato, and British accent, but "rawther" to just present them, depending on the song, with the same spirit of wry or satirical humor, humid romantic feeling, or jaded ennui that Coward served up.

Since I have no intention whatever to make any profit off of these performances, and since better, definitive performances of these songs are easily available, I am relatively sure that there is no copyright violation here.

I hope to expand this page into a full section of my website as the catalog of Coward performances grows.


  • Noël Coward: The Complete Lyrics, edited and annotated by Barry Day, The Overlook Press, 1998, 367 pp.
  • Morella, Joseph and George Mazzei, Genius & Lust: The Creative and Sexual Lives of Cole Porter and Noel Coward, Carroll & Graf Publishers, 1995,
  • Noël Coward