 Heidi and Jim
 Noel Coward
 Musical Review
 Folk Ballad
 Gay Ballad
 Gay Humor
 Gay Love Song
 Love Song
 New Age
 Personal Pride
    I have a penny in my pocket (1964)
    The man against the wall (1968)
    291-32-3848 (1974)
    My song (1974)
    Who was the one (1974)
    I've been around for a long, long time (1975)
    He just wanted to be himself (1983) (Video)
 Political Ballad

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He just wanted to be himself

© 1983 by Jim Andris


Let me tell you a story about one of the creatures
Of this planet we live on here.
Though you might have seen this fellow standing off in the distance
Well, you've probably not seen him near.
It's hard to describe him but he's often been compared
To a butterfly, fairy or elf.
Just a cute little guy,
Kinda timid and shy
And he just wanted to be himself.

He was born into a family that was second generation,
And he grew up on the poor side of town,
And he played jacks and jump rope with the girls in the school yard,
'Cause the guys didn't want him around.
And it seems that he was always being taken to the doctor
'Cause he wasn't in the best of health.
Just a sad little guy,
Kinda timid and shy
And he just wanted to be himself.

Chorus 1:
Jimmy, your day will come some day,
That's what his mother said.
Crying his eyes out on the bed
Underneath that shock of hair so red.
It's hard to describe him but he's often been compared
To a butterfly, fairy or elf.
Just a cute little guy,
Kinda timid and shy
And he just wanted to be himself.


Spent a lot of time in high school sitting down at the piano
Which he played both day and night,
And he had himself a girlfriend, but they never necked and petted,
'Cause it just didn't seem quite right.
And he had a best buddy, was timid and shy
And just a little bit wierd like Jim.
And they probably were similar to Oliver and Stanley,
Jim was fat, and Dee was slim.

Now, Jimmy and his friends, they graduated from their high school,
And they went their separate ways.
Then he found himself attracted to the life of a scholar
With his solitary ways.
So he spent a few years searching hard for wisdom and knowledge,
Studied science and philosophy and math.
But after 29 years of swallowing his feelings,
He decided to vent his wrath.

Chorus 2:
Jimmy, your day will come some day,
That's what his doctor said.
Crying his eyes out on the couch
Underneath that shock of thinner red.
He confessed to his psychiatrist his deepest fear that he might be
A butterfly, fairy or elf.
And he just wanted to be himself.


So he got himself a job, and he found himself a lover,
But the love didn't last that long.
Then he joined up with a rock group and was soon to discover
That he had quite a talent for song.
But he didn't have the confidence to sing his songs to others,
So he put them back on the shelf.
Still, he didn't like the lonely, empty feelings he was left with;
He just wanted to be himself.

Then he started hanging 'round with lots of planetary people,
'Cause they always made him feel so neat.
And he felt right at home with all the unicorns and rainbows
And the green grass under his feet.
So he took out his guitar and started playing all his songs;
He sang of love and peace and freedom and joy,
And so a happy man emerged from the pain and the suffering
Of that red-headed, sad little boy.

Chorus 3: Jimmy, your day has come, has come,
That's what I sing to me.
Singing my songs of love and peace
Underneath a cool, green maple tree.
It was hard to get to know me; I was just a caterpillar
Hanging out on a dark, dusty shelf,
But like the butterfly before me, I've emerged from my chrysallis,
And I am now myself.

I now am just myself.