 Heidi and Jim
 Noel Coward
 Musical Review
 Folk Ballad
 Gay Ballad
 Gay Humor
 Gay Love Song
 Love Song
 New Age
 Personal Pride
    I have a penny in my pocket (1964)
    The man against the wall (1968)
    291-32-3848 (1974)
    My song (1974)
    Who was the one (1974)
    I've been around for a long, long time (1975)
    He just wanted to be himself (1983) (Video)
 Political Ballad

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Who was the one

© 1974 by Jim Andris

Who was the one who said you couldn't sing?
Your heart contains the music of all the love you bring,
And when you let it out, you make a man feel like a king.
Let it out, my love.
Let it shout my love.

And who was the one who said you couldn't love?
Why, your smiling shows a caring like a gift from God above.
You have shaped and formed the contours of the thoughts I'm thinking of.
Let them in, my love.
Let them win my love.

Let me show you how I know you,
Let me tell you how I feel.
Oh, the more I get to know you,
The more I know I'm real.

And who was the one who said you had to stay?
If the songs I sing and the love I bring are getting in your way,
Then just turn around and find yourself a new and better way.
And remember, love,
That I loved you,
I will love you,
And I do love you.

For your smiling showed a caring,
And your heart contained a music,
So what was I to do
But love you?