 Heidi and Jim
 Noel Coward
 Musical Review
 Folk Ballad
 Gay Ballad
 Gay Humor
 Gay Love Song
 Love Song
 New Age
    I am a priest (1982)
    Unicorn (1982)
    We are all connected (1984)
    We are the light of the world (1984
    Soul friends (1987)
    We are the rainbows (1987) (Video)
 Personal Pride
 Political Ballad

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We are the light of the world

© 1984 by Jim Andris

This is a time of trial and tribulation.
Man against man and nation against nation.
Separatism's dying gasps have filled the world with terror;
Cynical, selfish leaders fail to care.
But though we walk this valley of confusion,
A rising mountain of hope must break this illusion.
For as the darkness disappears before the morning light,
Love is the force that can set our planet right.

We are the light of the world,
The salt of the earth,
The hope of the future.
Justice is in our hands curled.
We know what we're worth.
We know we can nurture peace—
Shining vibrations of love, linking our hearts as One.
We are the light of the world'
We fill up the earth.

Somewhere on a South Pacific isle,
A single monkey washed her food in new and different style.
The other monkeys copied this, and then one wondrous day
This practice jumped to islands far away.
So won't you reach out and touch just one more soul?
We can create a chain of love with world peace as our goal.
If you and your new loving friends continued this each day,
We'd fill the globe with love before a month had passed away.

And, we are the light of the world,
The salt of the earth,
The hope of the future.
Justice is in our hands curled.
We know what we're worth.
We know we can nurture peace—
Shining vibrations of love, linking our hearts as One.
We are the light of the world'
We fill up the earth.