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 Musical Review
 Folk Ballad
 Gay Ballad
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    Mary stepped out (1963)
    There's a plot afoot (1964)
    You've got your opinions and I've got mine/I woke up this morning and looked out there (1964/68)
    I hate you/I hate TV (1964/82)
    America the farce in 5/4 (1967)
    We'll know tomorrow/The Day After (1967/87)
    Do you believe in retribution (1974)
    ERA's for everyone (1982)

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We'll know tomorrow

© 1967 by Jim Andris

We'll know tomorrow.
We'll know what we have done.
But for now, just hold me, my dear
And don't think of the sun.

We loved each other,
And though it seemed right,
Don't you know that nothing seems wrong,
When you love in the night.

Your folks and mine say they don't trust us,
Yet they leave us alone in the night.
We're too old, too young.
Is there no justice
When the night makes your closeness seem alright.

So hold me, my darling,
And promise me this:
That you hold me closely for more
Than the sake of a kiss.

The day after

© 1987 by Jim Andris

We'll know tomorrow.
We'll know what we have done.
But for now, just hold me, my dear
And don't think of the sun.

The heat was blinding,
Yet now it's dark and cold,
And the desolation covering the earth
Came from mushrooms of gold.

Leaders of Earth scoffed at the danger
Of defending with nuclear strobe.
Their fictions were strange; this fact is now stranger:
Deadly gas is enveloping the globe.

So hold me my darling.
I'll promise you this:
When the agony you feel grows too great,
I'll let death be my kiss.