 Heidi and Jim
 Noel Coward
 Musical Review
 Folk Ballad
 Gay Ballad
 Gay Humor
 Gay Love Song
 Love Song
 New Age
 Personal Pride
 Political Ballad
    Mary stepped out (1963)
    There's a plot afoot (1964)
    You've got your opinions and I've got mine/I woke up this morning and looked out there (1964/68)
    I hate you/I hate TV (1964/82)
    America the farce in 5/4 (1967)
    We'll know tomorrow/The Day After (1967/87)
    Do you believe in retribution (1974)
    ERA's for everyone (1982)

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ERA's for everyone

© 1982 by Jim Andris

If you want to change a diaper, fellow, that's ok.
If you choose to be a dancer doesn't mean you're gay.
And if you want to love your fellow man instead of killing him,
Well, that's the better way.
We need ERA.

ERA's for everyone, men and women, too.
Human rights for everyone, them and me and you.

If you want to change a tire, lady, that's alright.
If you choose to be a doctor doesn't mean your white.
If you want to clear the streets of rape instead of yielding to it,
That's the valiant fight.
Let's take back the night.

ERA's for everyone, black and white folks, too.
Human rights for everyone, them and me and you.

Now if you want to wear an earring, mister, that's just fine.
And if you ride a bike, well, sister, why should someone mind?
'Cause I know folks who wear the finest clothes and yet despise each other,
People, that's not kind.
Mister, I don't mind.

ERA's for everyone, gay and straight folks, too.
Human rights for everyone, them and me and you.